
This is a personal blog. The opinions expressed here represent my own and not those of any of my employers or customers.

Except if stated otherwise, all the code shared is reusable under a MIT/X11 licence. If a picture is missing a copyright notice, it's probably because I'm owning it.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Decorating your Xamarin.iOS code with Behaviors

Note: this is the post in which I'm getting out of the closet and make it clear that I had an affair with Silverlight. I'm still thinking about it sometimes, and when I do, this is what happens...

Every time you have to ask your user "What's your favourite colour" or "What is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?" from within your iOS application, you have to ask yourself "Wait, will the field still be visible with the virtual keyboard displayed ?"

I don't know how you do it (experience sharing is welcome), but me, I do it this way:

public override void ViewDidLoad ()
 base.ViewDidLoad ();

 //Set Bindings and Commands
 placeField.Bind (ViewModel, "Place");
 sendButton.Command (ViewModel.SendCommand);
 busyIndicator.Bind (ViewModel, "IsBusy");

 //Slide the view on keyboard show/hide
 placeField.EditingDidBegin += (sender, e) => {
  UIView.BeginAnimations ("keyboardslide");
  UIView.SetAnimationCurve (UIViewAnimationCurve.EaseInOut);
  UIView.SetAnimationDuration (.3f);
  var frame = View.Frame;
  frame.Y = -100;
  View.Frame = frame;

 placeField.EditingDidEnd += (sender, e) => {
  UIView.BeginAnimations ("keyboardslide");
  UIView.SetAnimationCurve (UIViewAnimationCurve.EaseInOut);
  UIView.SetAnimationDuration (.3f);
  var frame = View.Frame;
  frame.Y = 20;
  View.Frame = frame;


Friday, April 12, 2013